Evaluating the Characteristics of Compressed-Air and Liquid-Air Energy Storage Systems

October 13, 2021

Evaluating the Characteristics of Compressed-Air and Liquid-Air Energy Storage Systems

Welcome to another post from our team at Flare Compare! Today, we will be discussing the two most commonly used energy storage systems: compressed-air energy storage (CAES) and liquid-air energy storage (LAES). Both systems have their own unique features and characteristics, which we will be analyzing with a strong emphasis on numbers to provide an unbiased in-depth comparison.


Compressed-air energy storage systems have been in use since the 1970s, and they store energy by compressing air in underground caverns. When electricity is needed, the compressed air is released, and it powers a turbine to produce electricity.

Advantages of CAES

  • CAES can achieve round-trip efficiency of up to 70%, which means that for every kWh of energy put into the system, 0.7 kWh of energy can be retrieved later.
  • The technology is based on proven components that have been used in other industries for years.
  • CAES systems can respond quickly to changes in electrical demand, and they can help to maintain grid stability during peak demand periods.

Disadvantages of CAES

  • CAES systems are location-dependent because they require underground caverns for air storage.
  • The initial capital cost of CAES systems can be very high.
  • The efficiency of CAES systems can be affected by the quality of the cavern insulation and air temperature during compression and expansion.


Liquid-air energy storage systems store energy by utilizing surplus electricity to compress air, which is then cooled and liquefied to -196 °C. When energy is required, the liquid air is heated, leading it to expand rapidly and drive a turbine that produces electricity.

Advantages of LAES

  • LAES systems have the potential to achieve up to 70% round-trip efficiency.
  • Liquid air can be stored in large tanks or easily transported, which means that LAES systems are not location-dependent.
  • The process of liquefying air produces reusable nitrogen and oxygen, which can have industrial applications.

Disadvantages of LAES

  • LAES systems have a lower specific energy, which means they require larger storage tanks to store the same amount of energy as a CAES system.
  • The liquefaction process requires a lot of electricity, which reduces the overall efficiency of the system.
  • LAES systems can take longer to respond to changes in electrical demand.


In conclusion, CAES and LAES systems have their own unique features and characteristics, and they both have the potential to play a significant role in the future of renewable energy. Each system has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully considered before deciding which one to use.

We hope you've found this comparison helpful in your research on energy storages.


  1. Mathilde Marchand, "Energy Storage: Comparing Technologies Entering the Race for a Better Future", The International Journal of Science, 02 Dec. 2020, https://www.tijsc.com/article/energy-storage-comparing-technologies-entering-the-race-for-a-better-future/1.
  2. Loughborough University, "Liquid Air Energy Storage", https://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/stories/2020/liquid-air-energy-storage/.

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